Keres 18th March 2011

I can still hear the sound of your scooter as it used to rattle to a stop outside my shop and see your face pressed up against the door - my 'Aunty Gillian'. Who will bring me homemade soup and cake for lunch? Who will cut my fringe using a dog flea comb and rusty old scissors while balancing on a wonky stool? Who will ring me late at night for a chat when I am in bed in my PJ's or ring me to come and fend off spiders? Who taught me to just chuck the seeds on the ground at the allotment without worry about what others thought? Who will put their foot in it and make me laugh or play fight with me using dog toys and hamster beds for special hats? Who will bunk off with me and 'The Space Pigs' over the football pitch when I should have been working? We had so much fun, we had more planned and one day we will meet again, I hope I was as good a friend to you as you were to me. You have left a trail of foot prints across my heart that will remain forever - I think you had your muddy dog walking shoes on at the time . . . typical Gillian x x x Claire, Blossom and Percy (The Space Pigs)